- Background and objectives
- The objective of the PIV Challenge initiative is to provide timely assessment of the current state of the art of Particle Image Velocimetry methods, including but not limited to, algorithms, optical configurations, and applications. Through well designed test cases, specific aspects, challenges and limitations of the method are targeted, and through detailed comparisons between contributed results, strengths and weakness of the method, as a whole, are explored. Hence, the PIV Challenge results can be used to guide future development efforts and identify new directions for the continuous evolution of the PIV method and growth of the PIV community.
- The PIV challenge is not a competition and it does not identify winners or losers. Instead it is a community instrument used to bring together PIV developers and users in an effort to improve the quality and utility of this powerful and widespread experimental fluid mechanics tool.
- The PIV Challenge has been held in 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2014 to exchange the knowledge of the PIV image analysis techniques. In each instance, many teams around the world contributed to analyze the PIV images provided by the organizers. Based on comparisons of the contributed results, characteristics of the PIV evaluation algorithms have been discussed.
- This is the official web-site for PIV Challenge. All of the information, including the test images, are found on this web-site. Please freely link this web-site.
Previous challenges
- 1st PIV Challenge (Sept.14-15, 2001, Göttingen, Germany)
- Mission: Challenge on PIV image evaluation and post processing algorithms
- Results: Stanislas M, Okamoto K and Kähler CJ, 2003,Main results of the First International PIV Challenge, Measurement Science and Technology, 14, R63-R89.
- Images and description
- CASE A Strong Vortex (Experimental image)
- CASE B Strong Vortex (Synthetic image)
- CASE C Noisy Image (Experimental image)
- CASE E Shear Flow (Synthetic image)
- 2nd PIV Challenge (Sept.19-20, 2003, Busan, Korea)
- Mission: Challenges for the turbulent structure analysis and Camera characteristics
- Results: Stanislas M, Okamoto K, Kähler CJ and Westerweel J, 2005, Main results of the Second International PIV Challenge, Experiments in Fluids, 39, No.2, 170-191.
- Images and description
- CASE A Turbulent Jet (Experimental image)
- CASE B Wall Turbulent Flow (Synthetic image)
- CASE C Camera Characteristics (Experimental image)
- 3rd PIV Challenge (Sept.19-20, 2005, Pasadena, USA)
- Mission: Assessment of Spatial resolution, Time-resolved PIV and Stereo PIV.
- Results: Stanislas M, Okamoto K, Kähler CJ, Westerweel J and Scarano F, 2008, Main results of the Third International PIV Challenge, Experiments in Fluids, 45, No.1, 27-71.
- Images and description
- CASE A Spatial resolution (Synthetic image)
- CASE B Time-resolved Channel Flow (Synthetic image)
- CASE C Time-resolved Jet Flow (Experimental image)
- 4th PIV Challenge (July 5, 2014, Lisbon, Portugal)
- Mission: Micro-PIV, Tomo-PIV, Stereo PIV and on-site evaluation
- Results: Kähler CJ, Astarita T, Vlachos PP, Sakakibara J, Hain R, Discetti S, Foy RL, Cierpka C, 2016, Main results of the 4th International PIV Challenge, Experiments in Fluids, 57: 97.
- Images and description
- Case A: ƒÊ-PIV
- Case B: Time resolved PIV (Experimental image)
- Case C: 3D PIV images for the assessment of spatial resolution and accuracy (Synthetic image)
- Case D: 3D PIV images based on time resolved DNS turbulent flow (Synthetic image)
- Case E: Time resolved stereo-PIV (Experimental image)
- Case F: Images of solid body rotation evaluated on-site (Experimental image)
- Contact address
- Jun Sakakibara, Ph.D
- Department of Mechanical Engineering, Meiji University
- Higashimita 1-1-1, Tamaku, Kawasaki, 214-8571, Japan
- E-mail: sakakiba***meiji.ac.jp (replace *** to @)
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